
Navy Seal

As a result of my PTSD which was caused by multiple traumas and TBI’s throughout the years, I turned to alcohol like most do to curtail the effects of my illness, such as hyper vigilance, mood swings, anxiety, the inability to sleep and overall inability to form and maintain close personal relationships in my life. Read More

Dan Shomo

Thanks again for all you have been doing to help me. I finish the last session of HBOT tomorrow and I Just wanted to tell you again how much I appreciate it. I believe it has gotten me to where I am. The VA is not doing anything to assist me other than telling me i will be disabled for life. Read More

Navy Seal

I cannot overstate how much of a positive impact the hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) provided by America’s Mighty Warriors (AMW) has had on my well-being. I have suffered from severe chronic illness for years that presents itself as a myriad of mental symptoms including brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, dizziness, and others. HBOT helped me push past recovery plateaus I had been at for a long time and achieve a new level of mental clarity, focus, as well as a more positive outlook on life in general. I will probably never fully understand the exact mechanisms or injuries which led to my condition. But whatever they were, HBOT has had a dramatic effect on reversing the net effect from the damage they caused. My sincere and heartfelt thanks to AMW for affording me the opportunity to undergo this treatment. It has immensely helped my recovery, which means it has not only improved my quality of life, but that of my family as well.

Monica & Kelly Kuchman, Co-Founders

We are so grateful to you and your organization AMW’s and how it helped heal our marriage and Kelly’s TBI. Back in January of 2019 when Kelly was in rehab, he saw an advertisement with a Trident symbol on it and a number to contact AMW’s. I am so glad that we connected with you in Arizona and that you had the compassion and the ability to quickly identify his TBI. In the past, Kelly had been in numerous rehabs, support groups, therapy, and nothing seemed to work until he received Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment. This simple method of breathing in oxygen under pressure was the BREATH of LIFE that he so desperately needed. Since that time and after 40 dives, I have seen tremendous improvements in Kelly’s cognitive thinking; his emotions have stabilized, and now he is able to rest at the end of the night. Most importantly, he gained a new purpose in life. He was no longer a man of self-destruction, but instead he became a man of great compassion with an even larger heart for wounded soldiers, particularly those that have had a difficult time transitioning back to civilian life once returning from the battlefield. Read More


As far as the changes I’ve experienced:

Increased Cognition: Following the treatment and during, I felt like my brain was getting better at processing things, and my anxiety was getting less. I was diagnosed with OCD in late November, but I was able to start moving in a positive direction before my diagnosis. Read More

Christine Payseno

My son called after he spoke to you yesterday. I haven’t heard him this hopeful since before he left for the Army. He talked about the incredible gift that you’ve given him and all that he would do to be successful. He’s excited and he actually talked about the future. He has never, ever talked of the future since he’s been home. I truly believe that he didn’t think he would be around in the future. Read More


Thank you again SO MUCH for everything. As I mentioned at the ranch, “thank you” isn’t a big enough word. It was wonderful to be able to wake up surrounded by family in such a beautiful, peaceful, positive setting. I think it really was the first time since Devon passed away that waking up has felt like a positive experience. Devon lived life to the fullest every day and I know that’s what he would want all of us going forward. I feel like our time at the ranch was a perfect first step towards getting back to living that life. God Bless you and your organization. You do amazing and important work.

Randall Cummings

The 136th AW Enlisted Advisory Council would like to extend our sincere thanks to you – America’s Mighty Warriors, for your Random Act of Kindness donation to our 4th of July event. Read More

Mike Lackman

We received the AMW Care Package. We appreciate the goodies, the sentiment, and all the support from your organization and the American people. The package provided an uplift to everyone in the shop and we shared the letter and goodies with the entire Command.

Also, thank you for your sacrifice and service.

Very Respectfully,
Mike Lackman
Contractor, VATC INC


I had the pleasure of meeting you at the Build a Bear event a few weeks ago in San Diego, and I know that my husband has met you several times before. I just wanted to send you a quick note to say thank you so much for providing us with Build A Bear Deployment Bears. It’s so wonderful for the kids to have this tangible and comforting reminder of their dad’s while they are overseas.Read More


I am active duty Air Force (huuuah). I am writing to let you know you and Marc’s story have gotten me through my darkest time. I have not seen combat I have not been deployed but I had a bad knee injury and a few surgeries to fix it. It was the most helpless time in my life and Marc’s letter and story got me through it. Drunk and ready to take my life I constantly watched Marc’s story in history channel to keep myself safe. I love him and one day hope to be remembered like Marc. Thank you

Gil ‘Espi’ Espinoza

I’d like to find the words to adequately express my appreciation for America’s Mighty Warriors, there are none…I am blessed. I am a recipient of your generosity, you’ve helped a fellow teammate get back on track in my walk through the fire. I read Marcs’ letter and Debbie’s bio and am humbled by such love and care. Thank you for being in my life at my time of need. My blessings to the organization and the people that are the heartbeat that is spreading Love.

Thank you.
Gil ‘Espi’ Espinoza class 42, SEAL Team One.


This is BW, you sent me to HBOT. I wanted to thank you for the opportunity! It’s been a tough thing on my mind, as I’m on the latter 1/4th of the treatments I hadn’t “seen” any results, but last week I had my first dream in at least 15 years and my ticks are all but gone, but real close to gone.

It is just a glimmer of hope, but my excitement was through the roof because normalcy is within reach again! I appreciate the opportunity and I cannot wait for the new scan next month to see what I haven’t felt in years. BW